Across arts, science and business, a collective sense of wonder is an indelible part of America's national identity. That's why this year we begin a big, audacious, powerful thing together called CREATIVITY AMERICA! CREATIVITY AMERICA is a neuroscience-inspired, brain skills initiative with one goal in mind — to fuel a 25% growth in America’s creative skills across all sectors within a decade. CREATIVITY AMERICA is an investment in the currency of the future: the art + science of being human.

Bringing together wonder with innovation (Wondervation), Creativity America stands at the crossroads of the ongoing, dynamic, triple transformations of environmental, technological, and cultural change, calling for business leaders to deepen their understanding and strategic application of team-level creativity skills that unlock its potential in organizations.

What We Know:

  • Change as a Constant: Our collective experiences over the last decade confirm that change is not just inevitable but accelerating. This era is distinct in the rapidity and magnitude of change, influenced by global events like the World Trade Center attacks, the Economic Crisis of 2008-9, COVID-19 pandemic, Advent of AI. These events exemplify the dual nature of change - unifying and divisive - and underscore the need for organizations to adapt and innovate continuously.

  • Brain Science and Change: Our understanding of how the brain interprets change reveals that it's not just the external shifts but the internal psychological and emotional transitions that matter. This is particularly relevant in the context of organizational change, where traditional hierarchical structures are giving way to more networked and flat models.

  • Creativity as a Solution: Creativity emerges as the pivotal skill in navigating and leveraging change. It involves the synchronization of cognitive (head), emotional (heart), and practical (hands) aspects. The harmony of these elements within a group determines its creative output and capacity to innovate.


Throughout 2023, our journey in shaping Creativity America has been rich and expansive. Find out what we learned in our inaugural Creativity America Newsletter.



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